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Sarvesh Kushwaha
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Thursday, 6 June 2013

Hack Proof Your Asp.Net Applications- PART-1 (SQL Injection)

Ahhhh a developer never wants to get hacked his own web application .but intruder , malicious persons are more than developers , and i used to be one of them and then turned into a developer .as i have walk in both the shoes , so i have decided to write a series of articles which will definitely help to hack proofing a web application .
A developer should always concerned about hack attempts in their applications ,and its a developer duty as well .lots of online tools , spoofing tools , sniffers tool  etc are available on the internet .so even a normal internet user can turned into a hacker . i hope everybody  knows the consequences of being hacked , so by not describing them , i better do write my article.
lets gets start understanding of some hacks and how a developer can prevent them .in this first article i will start by sql injections.