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Sarvesh Kushwaha
Email : sarveshkushwaha@outlook.com

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Hack proof your Javascript using javascript Obfuscation in ASP.NET applications


This article is the Part-5 Article of my series Hack Proof your asp.net and asp.net mvc applications.
In this article i will describe how to obfuscate your JavaScript code (Your written business logic in JavaScript or those  JavaScript libraries you don't want to expose to others) in asp.net application with visual studio.

Background :

You can read previous article of this series from below links :

    1. Secure your ASP.NET applications from SQL Injection
    2. Secure your ASP.NET applications from XSS Attack
    3. Secure your ASP.NET applications from CSRF Attack
    4. Secure your ASP.NET applications from Sensitive Data Exposure and Information Leakage