If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0

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Sarvesh Kushwaha
Email : sarveshkushwaha@outlook.com

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Friday, 13 November 2015

Angular.js for ASP.NET MVC Developers- Basics

Fiuuuuuuuu After a long time I am again thinking to write a series.This time most popular JS library i.e angular.js for asp.net MVC developers.
Being an ASP.NET developer, I didn't find many resources on the internet for angular.js with AS.NET MVC.In this First blog, I will Introduce the angular.js for ASP.NET MVC guys.

What is Angular.js?

AngularJS is a client-side MVW(W stands for whatever) or MV* framework written in JavaScript. It runs in a web browser and greatly helps us (developers) to write modern, single-page, AJAX-style
web applications.
We can angular.js is an opinionated framework or software which tells or suggest us how to solve a problem in an efficient manner.Although there can be many solutions to a problem but angular feature specifications tells to do them in an efficient manner.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Sunday, 29 March 2015

JavaScript For C# Developer

This Presentation depicts JavaScript concept for Csharp developer.It helps to understand the concepts of JavaScript resembling/differentiate them with C# concepts.

It took one week to complete the fundamental concepts of angular.Js, but it took more than one month to understand the concepts of javascript and relate it to C#.

So here it is:

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Hack proof your asp.net applications from Session Hijacking


This article is the Part-6 of my series Hack Proof your asp.net and asp.net mvc applications. In this article, I will describe what exactly Session Hijacking (Man-in the-middle-attack) is and how a hacker exploits it and how we can prevent Session Hijacking attack in asp.net applications.
