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Sarvesh Kushwaha
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Sunday, 12 February 2017

10 Essentials C# keywords every .Net developer should know before attending an Interview #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

1. Var and/vs Dynamic

With Var keyword properties / Methods /Operators etc are resolve at compile time.
Var keyword is static typed and type cannot be change,Once you have assigned the type to var.

var i = "abc";
i = 1 ; //you cannot assign it integer value once it has been marked as string

With Dynamic keyword properties / Methods /Operators etc are resolve at runtime.
type can be change once it is already assigned.

dynamic i = "abc";
i = 1 ; //you can change the type in dynamic
Console.WriteLine(i.anything); //error will be given at runtime

2. Const and ReadOnly
  1. Constants are evaluated at the compile-time, while the read-only variables are evaluated at the runtime. 
  2. Constants support only value-type variables, while read-only variables can hold reference type variables. 
  3. Constants should be used when the value is not changing during the runtime, and read-only variables are used mostly when their actual value is unknown before the runtime.

static readonly string readonlystring;   //you can levae it blank and can assign value at runtime,assign object to it 
 const string constring ="abc"; // you have to assign some value to const while declaring,you can assign ref type to const

3. Checked and Unchecked keyword
Checked keyword is to check integral arithmetic overflow.
What will happen if you are assigning the greater value to your int than its maximum value?
you will get the wrong result,to check above condition and throw airtmetic overflow use Checked keyword either in block () or in expression {} manner.

//checked block
int checkedk = int.MaxValue;
  Console.WriteLine(checked(checkedk+ 20));
  //checked expression
    int i = 10;
     int i3 = 2147483647 + i;

unchecked keyword is just opposite of that it will not throw any exception. by default int ,byte are unchecked.

4. AS and IS keyword
Both keywords are used for safe cast typing with lill diff in their working.

IS : 
checks whether the type of an given object is compatible with the new object type and returns Boolean type true or false.

checks whether the type of an given object is compatible with the new object type and returns object if it is compatible or null if it isn't.

person p = new person();
     Men men = new Men();
  Men m2 =  p as Men;
  Console.WriteLine(p is Men);
  Console.WriteLine(men is person);
  if(m2 !=null)
   Console.WriteLine("m is person type");
     Console.WriteLine("m is not person type");

5. Volatile and Lock keyword
volatile indicates that field can be modified by multiple thread. volatile keyword can be applied only to fields of class/struct.

Lock keyword ensures that if one thread is accessed any object in lock block that will not be accessible by another thread, it will have to wait until that thread release the accessed object.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

What are Func, Predicate, Action delegates with Examples ? #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

To learn Delegate you guys can refer my previous article. In this article we will learn about what are Func, Predicate and Action Delegate.
Keeping the power of delegates in the mind .Net Framework has introduced the predefined delegates which can be useful for a developer. .Net Framework has also used these predefined delegates at many places e.g LINQ.

Action Delegate: As its name is ACTION this delegate ensures to performs actions and does not return anything. Action Delegate can take upto 16 parameters and returns nothing as they are void delegates and their primary task to perform some action. You can create Action in C# :

// define action 
Action<string> myAction;
// F12 definition will be of your action, it can go upto 16 parameters
public delegate void Action<in T>(T obj);

Example : they are most commonly getting used in List<T>.ForEach  like functions.

Friday, 27 January 2017

What are Delegates ? When and why we should use Delegates in C# with example ? #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

Delegates :

Delegate word in English defines that entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person.Same concept is follows in C# with some additional properties.

Delegates Overview :
Delegates have the following properties:

  1. Delegates are similar to C++ function pointers, but are type safe. 
  2. Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters
  3. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. 
  4. Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event. 
  5. Used as anonymous methods (inline code). 

Thursday, 26 January 2017

How to acess INTERNAL types and members into another assembly ? #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

Lets learn about INTERNAL keyword in C#. Basically INTERNAL keyword is an access modifier which ensures that types and members within the same assembly. 

But is there any way we can access the INTERNAL  type and members from another assembly? 

yeah there is actually. We can use  the INTERNALVISIBLETO keyword into assmeblyinfo.cs or onto the class at namespace level using System.Runtime.CompilerServices.

Lets Code :

I have created two projects into a solution so we can have two diff assembly.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

How to implement only few signature of an Interface ? #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

lets make this question situational :) .An interviewer can ask you like this :

Lets suppose i am having an Interface and this Interface consisting five methods signatures.This Interface is already being consumed by our thousand of customer and now new customer came and asked that we need only three method inside that. what will you do to resolve this situation or what will you suggest to your customer ? 

Possible solutions are to this situation are as follows :

  1. Implement that Interface using an Abstract class and mark those methods as abstract which you don't want to implement.
  2. If class should be concrete then you can implement rest of the functions and throw exceptions like  NotImplementedException or NotSupportedException .
  3. Last you can segregate that Interface further into two interface and implement those in class.But then in above scenario it will become a tough situation.

Friday, 20 January 2017

How you can limit a class to create only two instances ? #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

How you can limit a class to create only two(n) instances ?

This is one of my favorite question in an interview.So before watching the answer take a minute and think how you can create a such class .. tough ? Ahan its very easy.

 Answer : The basic idea is create a static property and increment that in constructor every time you are creating an object of that class. And throw an exception when that count is greater than two.

next question which can be ask is :