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Friday, 27 January 2017

What are Delegates ? When and why we should use Delegates in C# with example ? #AspNetInterviewQuestionsSeries

Delegates :

Delegate word in English defines that entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person.Same concept is follows in C# with some additional properties.

Delegates Overview :
Delegates have the following properties:

  1. Delegates are similar to C++ function pointers, but are type safe. 
  2. Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters
  3. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. 
  4. Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event. 
  5. Used as anonymous methods (inline code). 

Referenced from MSDN. Now Lets understand each statement by code :

1. Delegates are similar to C++ function pointers, but are type safe.
// below delgates definition ensures that when i call this delgate 
 //it should point to a function which has only one integer and as a function 
    //should not return anything
 public delegate void MyTypeSafeDelegate(int intParam);

So delegates in C# gives the guarantee to refer to the valid method with correct signature and parameters.

2. Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters. 

 //Point 2. Delegates allow methods to be passed as parameters.
 public delegate double MyFunctionDelegate(double intParam);
 //using tradaional delgate way 
 public static double DoSomeComputaion(double x, MyFunctionDelegate f)
     double h = 0.0000001;
     return (f(x - h) + f(x)) ;
 // using func delegate,last parameter of func is always an output from
      //  that function
 public static double DoSomeComputaionUsingFunc(double x, Func f) 
  double h = 0.0000001;
  return (f(x - h) + f(x)) ;
        //this is the function which will be passed as parameter 
 public static double MyFunctionMethod(double x)
  // Can add more complicated logic here
  return x + 10;

3. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. 
Lets suppose we have two class and one class has a long running task and i want to notify another class the status of that long running task. In that case we can use callback with the help of delegate.

To achieve this i have created two class i.e Program and ClassA. In ClassA i have a long running task and i want to notify the class Program about it. So Lets see the code now how we will achieve this :

 //Point 3. Delegates can be used to define callback methods. 
    // Created a class with a long running task and want to notify the class 
//Program about it.
 public class classA
   public delegate void DelCallback(string message);
   public void LongrunningTask(DelCallback callbackmessageToProgramClass)
     for(int i =0;i less than 10;i++)

//Point3. In class Program creating a void message to print message from callback
    public static void DelegateCallBackPrintMethod(string message)

//Point3. call the long running task and get the info in this class
  classA  AOObj= new classA(); 

4. Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event. 

Lets suppose i have two methods and i want to call them on a single event in that case we can use delegates too. I have created two methods addvalues and minusvalues and i want to call them in single event. To chain in this way we call them Multicast delegate.

+= means Delegate.Combine();
-=  means Delegate.Remove();


//point 4 .  Delegates can be chained together; 
 //for example, multiple methods can be called on a single event.
 public  delegate int MultipleDelCall(int y,int z); 
 private int addValues(int y, int z)
        return y + z;
    private int minusValues(int y,int z)
        return y - z;

//now call these methods by delegate, we can call them on dynamic condition as well
//Point 4 . Delegates can be chained together; for example, multiple methods can
// be called on a single event.
  Program p = new Program();
     MultipleDelCall dd = p.addValues;
  Console.WriteLine(dd(3,4).ToString()); //calls p.addvalues
  dd += p.minusValues;//dd += new d(p.n);
  Console.WriteLine(dd(3,4).ToString()); //calls boths p.addvalues and p.minusvalues
  dd -= p.addValues;
  Console.WriteLine(dd(3,4).ToString()); // only calls p.minusvalues

5. Used as anonymous methods (inline code).
 we  can think lambda expression as inline delegate method.

//Point 5.Used as anonymous methods (inline code).
IEnumerable pResult = p.People.Where(z => z.LName=="Kushwaha");
//you can see delegate can be used inline anonmoyus method
IEnumerable pResultDelegateWay = p.People.Where( delegate (Person X)
                                          return X.LName == "Kushwaha";}     }

//Point 5.Used as anonymous methods (inline code).
 public class Person
  public string FName{get;set;}
  public string LName{get;set;}
 List People = new List{
  new Person{ FName = "Sarvesh", LName ="Kushwaha"},
  new Person{ FName = "Love", LName ="Kushwaha"},

Hope my this series will help somebody to get a job :) :) . Happy coding :) 


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