If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0

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Sarvesh Kushwaha
Email : sarveshkushwaha@outlook.com

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Friday, 27 December 2013

Syncfusion’s “Succinctly” series of Free ebooks

I cant stop my self to share about these best free resources to read about current cutting edge technologies.
Ahhhh Syncfusion are providing these for free. No doubt their developers had done great job and providing us point to point knowledge about technology like typescript , knockout , WPF  and many more .
Grab these below books for free in Kindle and PDF formats :

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Hack Proof Your Asp.Net Application Part 3 (Cross Site Request Forgery)


This is part -3 of my series Secure your Asp.Net Applications. In this article, I will describe what exactly Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is and how hacker exploit it and how we can prevent from CSRF attack.


You can read my previous article of this series from :
cross site request forgery is also known as one click attacksea surf and session riding and abbreviated as CSRF. CSRF attack is kind of secuirty exploit attack in which attacker uses the authentication of the victim on victim's browser.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

MVC4 Bootsrap3 Sample project

MVC4Bootstrap3Sample is an Asp.NET MVC4 project using Bootstrap3 as its theme. To use it download the project file from my Github repository and open the solution in Visual Studio.NET 2012. This repository's bootstrap3 is not added by using Nuget.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Tips and Tricks for Faster Asp.NET and Asp.net MVC applications

I have studied these tips and tricks from many websites and blogs then tried them on my applications , authenticated those tips and tricks myself and completed this presentation .Although points i have mentioned are just suggestions not the benchmarks .

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Hack Proof Your Asp.Net Application Part 2 (Cross Site Scripting-XSS)

Introduction -

This is part -2 of my series Secure your Asp.Net Applications. In this article, I will describe what exactly Cross site scripting (XSS) is and how hacker exploit it and how we can prevent from XSS attack.
For part-1 of this series you can check from HERE  which is Secure your asp.net application from SQL Injection.

Cross-Site Scripting -
Cross-Site Scripting is kind of security exploit in which attacker inserts malicious code of his choice(Mostly script) into web page or in database, without user's knowledge .XSS in itself is a threat which is brought by the internet security weaknesses of client-side scripting languages, with HTML and JavaScript (others being VBScript, ActiveX, HTML, or Flash) as the prime culprits for this exploit.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Hack Proof Your Asp.Net Applications- PART-1 (SQL Injection)

Ahhhh a developer never wants to get hacked his own web application .but intruder , malicious persons are more than developers , and i used to be one of them and then turned into a developer .as i have walk in both the shoes , so i have decided to write a series of articles which will definitely help to hack proofing a web application .
A developer should always concerned about hack attempts in their applications ,and its a developer duty as well .lots of online tools , spoofing tools , sniffers tool  etc are available on the internet .so even a normal internet user can turned into a hacker . i hope everybody  knows the consequences of being hacked , so by not describing them , i better do write my article.
lets gets start understanding of some hacks and how a developer can prevent them .in this first article i will start by sql injections.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Remove dotted lines on links , buttons and textboxes's border in Bootstrap

Recently i have used bootstrap as UI framework for my projects . i find one issue , it was giving dotted lines around my text-boxes on Firefox-5 and IE-8. it looks ugly and many people on web already searched the solution . 
1). To fix this quickly for text-boxes, you will have to change a bit in bootstrap.css .Find input[type="text"]:focus  in your bootsrap.css and the you will get this string somewhere below in the bootsrap.css i.e outline : thin dotted \9 . remove just this line and you are done for the text-boxes .

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Asp.Net MVC 4 Hosting issue

Recently i was trying to host Asp.net MVC4 web application ,and i faced some difficulties .so i m writing here what were the things to care , while hosting Asp.net MVC4 application - 

Step 1 : Make sure Asp.net4 registered with IIS

Saturday, 2 February 2013

HTML5 for C# & Asp.net Developers ( Tips )

I learned some interesting things in HTML5 which an asp.net and c# developer should know and use those things in real time development , which saves time and provide efficient speed as well . for asp.net developer , HTML5 minimized the use of validations and ajax . even though HTML5 validations may be unreliable because of its browser compatibility , but still there are several jQuery plugins which provide partial support for the HTML5 validation attributes including :